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CANADA (加拿大)商标注册

A. Costs Estimate For Trade Marks Application in Canada
(for one trade mark per class & for simple straightforward application)
(Prevailing exchange rate of CAD to HKD is CAD 1=HKD 5.8, rounded up to nearest HKD dollar)

Ⅰ. SEARCH查询(Optional 非必须的)
Availability Search (One mark one class, same fees for additional class(es)):
a) On-line Availability Search (Optional but recommended) $3,190 $550
综合的查询及报告 (非必须的但建议查询)

b) Words search 文字查询 $4,640 $800
c) Logo search 图案查询 $4,640 $800

*Search will be charge per logo per class* 查询费用以每个图形及类别计算


(for one trademark one class 以一个商标申请一个类别计算) $5,510 $950

Multi-class application-each additional class of the same mark $3,770 $650
(Fees consists of preparing and handling of the required Power of Attorney Document, filing the application and reporting the status of filing particulars, government fees) 此费用包括协助申请人选择申请类别﹑准备和提交申请﹑缴付官方费用以及报告。

Validity: TEN (10) years. 有效期为十年.

(for one trademark one class以一个商标申请一个类别计算) $4,060 $700

Multi-class application-each additional class of the same mark
多项类别申请---同一商标每多一项类别费 $2,610 $450
(Fees consists of reporting Acceptance & Advertisement of the application
(for opposition purposes), publication and government registration fees, obtaining and forwarding the Certificate of Registration.)费用包括报告公告的许可通知﹑办理公告事宜﹑报告获准注册通知﹑领取及寄上注册证书以及缴付官方费用。

Ⅳ.MISC.(Additional Service Charges 额外服务)
a) “Declaration of Use” for proposed use application
申请之商标使用宣誓(for one trademark one class 以一个商标一个类别计算) $2,030 $350
Multi-class-each additional class of the same mark
多项类别申请---同一商标每多一项类别费 $1,305 $225
If the trademark is not yet used in Canada, it is necessary to prepare this Declaration of Use. If the trademark is currently used in Canada and involved in business activities, this fee can be eliminated. 如这商标未曾在加拿大使用,那么便需要作出宣誓,但如果商标一直在加拿大被使用,此费用可免除。

b) Drafting, Amending and Filing Arguments 申辩费用
(simple argument per case) $3,190 $550
The argument fees may be adjusted based on the complexity of the cases, -$11,600 -$2,000
Separate quotation will be issued for cases involving court proceeding.

C) Renewal 续期
(for 10 years; Filing Renewal + Statement of Use; one mark one class) $10,730 $1,850
The costs are acceptable for each mark in each class. Specimens showing the mark is
actually used should be provided.

d) Change of Address/Name of Applicant 更换申请人名称或地址 $3,190 $550

e) Assignment (for the first mark)转让(第一个商标) depends on complexity
Each additional mark 每加多一个类别 depends on complexity
Preparing and executing the Assignment document. For Assignment without
goodwill, additional advertising is required. 费用包括准备有关转让文件﹑

Procedure for applying trade mark registration
Ⅰ. A word, logo or both, which is distinctive, can be applied for trademark registration.

Ⅱ. An availability search is usually recommended to find out whether there is any similar or identical filed/registered marks which may bar your application. After the search, the filing of the mark will be applied in the specified class with up to 10 designated goods or services. There are totally 45 classes. The fees for trademark application is for 15 years and the trademark could be renewed every 15 years.
Ⅲ. Multi-class application is admitted in Canada.

Ⅳ. The mark will be examined and advertised for opposition in the Trade-Marks Journal about six (6) weeks after the date of the notice of acceptance. If no opposition (i.e. no one opposes your application) is filed within opposition period (three months) or extension, then the trademark will be registered upon receiving the registration fees, then a Registration Certificate will be issued. A straight-forward trade mark application (i.e. no official action and/or third party objection) in Canada normally takes on average 12 to 15 months to mature to registration. However, if the application was based upon proposed use and there is a delay about using the mark in Canada the time may be considerably longer as the registration will not issue until the mark has been used and the declaration of use is filed.


1. It is important to note that all figures given above are estimates rather than strict quotations, and are representative of our typical current charges on ordinary cases of ordinary complexity. The cost will be higher if, in carrying out the work, more time is required than is here anticipated, or if any additional matters or points arise. The estimates are based upon the information that is presently available and prevailing exchange rates (other than HKD and AUD mentioned above). We cannot guarantee the estimates for obvious reasons.

Copyright:版权所有2007~2008  上海卓裕企业管理咨询有限公司 技术支持:上海如来科技淄博分公司 沪ICP备7026062号
上海办公地址:上海浦东新区龙阳路2277号永达国际大厦1503室 电话:021-51875319

高级顾问:陆小姐 手机:13816072255 MSN:hkzhuoyu@hotmail.com QQ:645989849

香港公司地址是:香港灣仔告士打道128號祥豐大廈15樓A-B室(Units A-B, 15/F., Neich Tower, 128 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong.)

電話 TEL: (852) 3693 4946 圖文傳真 FAX: (852) 2833 6261 hkzhuoyu@hkzhuoyu.com